Roland Brass

Roland Brass is a Planning Director at Marrons, with over 15 years’ experience working in planning consultancy

Roland Brass USE

Roland Brass is a Planning Director at Marrons, with over 15 years’ experience working in planning consultancy.

He leads a number of strategic greenfield residential planning applications and land promotions (to achieve site allocations in Local Plans) across outer London and the wider South East, with the main objective to add value to land or buildings. Recent successes include consents at Ebbsfleet Garden City for over 1,500 new homes and community facilities and planning appeal win for 380 homes on a site allocated for 106. Clients include housebuilders, land promoters, developers, public institutions, Councils and private landowners.

Working closely with in-house colleagues in design, development economics and heritage teams, as well as legal support from Shakespeare Martineau, Marrons are built to drive projects forward and achieve planning permissions.